Redefining Sex with dr. Celeste holbrook

Dr. Celeste Holbrook is a sexologist, speaker and author who has dedicated her life to helping women achieve soul-centered sex through perfectly planned mental and behavioral changes.  She inspires women to move through mental blocks surrounding their intimate lives to truly experience the sex that was spiritually designed for her.  Hundreds of women have dramatically changed their relationships by following the sexual and spiritual strategies that Dr. Holbrook has created and tailored specifically for them.  Her favorite moment is the spark that appears in a woman’s eyes the instant her sensual confidence is re-awakened.

Dr. Holbrook helps her clients to evolve into the women they were created to be, in and outside of the bedroom. She speaks on a variety of topics from sex drive and sexual shame to painful intercourse, purity culture and more. Her mission is to provide safe spaces for people to talk about sex.  You can find her teaching classes for The Velvet Box or at her website at   I am so excited to welcome Dr. Celeste Holbrook on my podcast, My So-Called Fabulous, tomorrow to discuss how we can redefine sex!  

Dr. Celeste Holbrook’s Courses 

Elevate Online Course: Overcoming Sexual Barriers

Liberate Online Course: Overcoming Painful Intercourse 

New Freedom To Love – Coming Soon!

Personal Consultations

Enneagram Coaching

Certified Enneagram Teacher and Trainer

IEA Accredited Professional

The Velvet Box is an adult retail store that offers a safe and warm environment for you to explore so you can get the connection you deserve. Over 10 years, they’ve helped thousands of people overcome cultural stigma and experience connection, education, and excitement. Their CEO and founder Marcelle LeBlanc was born in the deep South and set off to see the world as soon as she was able. She quickly found adult retail, and her eyes were truly opened to human nature, culture, and stigma. Marcelle realized the importance of adult stores in the lives of customers as well as employees, and she set out to create an upscale, compassionate retail experience in North Texas.  They are committed to helping you discover passion so you can stop feeling disconnected from yourself and your partner.

At Velvet Box, they know that you want enjoyment in your life. In order to do that, you need connection with yourself and your partner. The problem is there’s a stigma around talking and learning about sex and admitting your curiosity, which makes you feel overwhelmed and lonely. At Velvet Box, they believe everyone deserves great physical connection, and you deserve to know what works for you.

They understand what it’s like to want to feel reassured in your desires and your body, and they’ve designed their entire business around your safe exploration. It’s a woman-owned company with five North Texas area stores conveniently located so you can pick the one you feel most comfortable visiting. Their stores are staffed by a team of professionals trained in a program designed by a licensed sex educator to answer every question. They help ensure you get the right answers and products for your safety and enjoyment.  Sign up for a complimentary 30 min discovery call with Dr. Celeste Holbrook here and she can assist in helping you. 

  1. Purity culture blog post:
  2. Health and wellness resources on website:
  3. Communication tools (one of my favorite resources on the site!):
  4. Online class schedule: 

Velvet Box can assist with:

Sexual Health for Her 

Weak pelvic floor, pelvic organ prolapse, low desire, vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, The G Spot, Female ejaculation, clitoral stimulation, anorgasmia, pelvic pain, dyspareunia, vulvodyni

Sexual Health for Him

Enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation,  urinary incontinence, delayed/inhibited orgasm, low libido.

Is this possibly you? 

– You have ever tried to fake being asleep to get out of having sex.

– You have ever had a disagreement or argument with your partner about the lack of sex in your relationship.

– You feel mental blocks surrounding intimacy and you are unsure if you are worth or even able to have great sex.

– You are uncertain of the connection between spirituality and sexuality.

– You are interested in reclaiming your sexual power.

– You experience pain during intercourse sometimes or every time.

– You wish you wanted to have more sex, but you usually just don’t feel like it because you are TIRED.

– You have a hard time being in the moment during sex and you often find yourself thinking about other things. (i.e. “Should I paint our bedroom blue?”)

– You experience shame or feel like sex is “dirty”.

– You know that your sex life could be better, but you aren’t ready to invest in a sex therapist.

– You want to find more meaning and fulfillment in your sex life. You want to use it as a connective part of your relationship, not just a responsibility to your relationship.

If you experience any of the above, reach out to Dr. Celeste Holbrook and listen tomorrow morning to our Redefining Sex podcast available on Apple Podcasts (HERE) and Spotify (HERE).

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