An Easy, Delicious Appetizer! It’s that time of year when entertaining is so enjoyable (especially outdoors), and these skewered shrimp shooters are a must-have at your next spring or summer soirée. When hosting, there’s nothing like a seafood recipe that is absolutely quick, easy, and prepared with minimal ingredients… especially when it’s as delicious as […]
The Best Gifts to Celebrate the Class of 2024! Graduation season is upon us, which means it’s time to celebrate the graduates in your life with the perfect gift! Graduation gifts are a great way to honor the graduates and send them onto their next chapter feeling loved and celebrated! The gift options are seemingly […]
An Easy and Refreshing Cocktail You’ve probably heard of a Greyhound cocktail, but allow me to introduce you to its sleek and sophisticated younger sister, The Puppy! Most people have a ‘signature’ something… maybe it’s a scent, style, or dance move. In my case it’s this signature cocktail! I’ve mentioned The Puppy numerous times on […]
A Recap of My Daughter’s 2021 Graduation Party! For so many, the end of the school year marks the beginning of a fun-filled and much needed summer break. However for those graduating, it marks the conclusion of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. This is such an exciting (and emotional) time of […]
My Healthy Alternative to Commercial Coffee Creamer! I’ve loved coffee my entire adult life… the ritual, the flavor, and the energy boost! However, in cutting out unnecessary toxins from my life, I realized it was time to step away from commercial creamers I had been using for so long. After trying what felt like endless […]
Brave the April Showers in Style! Rainy days are inevitable during the spring season… they don’t say ‘April showers bring May flowers’ for nothing! There’s something so calming about a rainy day when enjoyed from the comfort of your home. However, life sometimes (most times) has other plans, and we have to go about our […]