Me looking up at Freedom Tower in 2019.
Where were you on 9/11/01?
Almost any American old enough to remember 2001 knows the answer to that question, knowing exactly where they were and what they were doing. In classrooms, offices, sitting in traffic, daycares or glued to the television watching our world unravel as we knew it. Today we surf the internet, viewing images of the iconic photos, documenting the attack on our country, never forget.
Early in my career, I traveled extensively around the United States for cooking shows, television broadcasts, etc. As a chef, I would travel with my knives bundled safely in their carrier on flights as carry on. I vividly recall going through what we knew as security in those days and never being asked why I would have knives on board. Wow, how life has changed and our safety. Hindsight, I am not sure it was really a good idea to carry knives on board, but I digress.
I know my exact location, my feelings, even what I was wearing. We were home when my daughter Kennedy’s dad yelled from the front of our home asking if I saw what was on the Today Show? Yes, a plane had plunged into one of the towers of the World Trade Center. Was this an accident? As that was the only reasonable explanation. An act of terrorism, of course not. Who in the world would do something so tragic? It was Kennedy’s first day of day care, a toddler at the time. I recall exactly what we were both wearing, matching dresses from Fresh Produce. So strange that image is sketched into my memory. We arrived at the day care and she would not let go, hiding in the skirt of my dress and would not come out. She sensed the fear I had and the world around us. I quickly ditched day care and sat staring at the television for days watching our world forever changed.
My husband recalls watching the towers falling and left a bowl of cereal to leave quickly as his company were first responders and had to help.
We watched a new generation of children grow up in our new world. We attended our precious friend Jake’s graduation from West Point in the spring. Jake, born in 1994, watched the towers go down and made a commitment to defend our country. Jake shared his feelings below.
“9/11 is undoubtedly one of the darkest days in American history. Rising out of the darkness is a new generation of Americans that stand ready to defend the nation, its people, and its way of life. This new generation watched the events unfold on September 11th, 2001, yet they still take the oath to support and defend the constitution of the United States. Knowing that there are young men and women voluntarily coming to the United States’ defense during a time of war should assure every American that patriotism and a love of country will always prevail over any amount of darkness.” 2LT Jake Plotsky, 2019 West Point Graduate.
Where were you on 9/11/2001? Leave your response in the comments.
Kennedy and Jake at the 2019 West Point Graduation Ceremony.