I miss the days when I could have a REGULAR margarita. You know the fabulous frozen concoction smoothly pouring out of the machine at your favorite dining establishment? When I was in my 20’s and didn’t have a sugar care in the world there was truly nothing like a frozen margarita. As time marched forward, […]

Perfectly Skinny Margaritas

May 3, 2023

Okay – Now this is fun! I am excited to be sharing my Top 4 MOST searched recipes and boy do you all have GREAT TASTE! Make sure to save this post to your Pinterest so you have all your favorites in one place! Now enough of me chatting let’s get to the goods! 1. […]

My Top 5 Most Searched Recipes

May 26, 2021

 A Look InTo Tiffany C. Blackmon a lifestyle  Blog