Sorority recruitment… truly an experience like no other, and one that is almost impossible to fully understand until you go through the process. There is truly no advice, stories, or YouTube videos that can truly prepare you for the moment you walk into your first house. Sorority recruitment has changed DRASTICALLY since I walked through my first house in the fall of 1983. However, my daughter Kennedy went through recruitment in 2017, and served on her sorority’s recruitment team in the years following. With that being said, I’ve asked for my daughter’s assistance on this blog post to offer the best advice possible on what to pack in your essential bag. You can also go to my Sorority Recruitment blog from a few years ago for more helpful tips!
“Rush Bag”… What should I include?
When it comes to what goes into the bag you’ll carry around during recruitment, it’s best to keep it to just the essentials. Additionally, I would recommend organizing the bag with these clear makeup bags to keep everything organized and easily accessible. Below is a list of items that could be beneficial in a rush bag. Always, always refer to your university’s panhellenic for specifics and rules as each campus’ rules may be different.
- Deodorant
- Oil Pads
- Compact Mirror
- Makeup Bag (with items needed for touch up’s)
- Mints, Toothpicks
- Cough Drops or Chloraseptic
- Handheld Fan
- Mini Hairbrush
- Hair Ties, Claw Clips
- Dry Shampoo
- Hairspray
- Advil
- Bandaids, Blister Care
- Insect Repellent
- Chapstick (I swear by the chapstick I linked)
- Extra Earring Backs
- Tampons
- Water bottle
- Umbrella, Rain Jacket, Rain Poncho
- Notepad and Pen

Shoes… Comfort is Key!
Recruitment looks relatively different at every university, but one thing remains consistent: you will be walking… a LOT. That is extremely important to keep in mind when selecting the shoes you’ll be wearing each day. When my daughter went through recruitment at Texas Christian University, all girls were required to wear the same panhellenic-given t-shirt for the first round… making it easier to select comfy sandals or sneakers (I’ve linked some of my favorites below😍). For sisterhood and preference rounds, we made sure to pack a quick change of shoes in her rush bag while walking between houses.
I hope you all found these tips helpful and happy rush!