Ah…the look, feel, organization, and ease of a perfectly organized pantry! You get me? I love knowing every item has a place. I label to make sure we are organized and try to have a quarterly clean out as it is often easy to have items expire, so purging is necessary. Allow me to re-introduce you to my organizing and space guru, Nikki Farris with Simplify Your Space! I love being organized but Nikki takes it to a whole other level so I am blessed to have her wave her magic wand periodically.
Tips from Nikki:
Use clear bins as you can see the item/s being housed and you can easily utilize and organize.
Organize each clear bin into categories. My categories include; baking, snacks, prepackaged breakfast items, chips, teas, pasta & starches, and sweets.
Label; use removable labels as things do change.
Create space with tiered shelves that are perfect for canned goods. You see exactly what you have on hand and it’s such a space saver!
Incorporate a Lazy Susan to see a variety of pantry items.


When organizing my pantry, I make sure I create space for the following:
Drinking water, bottled water and distilled water
Plasticware and disposables
Dog treats
Variety of trash liners
Supplements and first aid
Entertaining items
Vases and vessels



