Yesterday I shared my back to school lunch essentials, today I’m sharing all things school supplies! Backpacks, pencil pouches, calendars, etc.! This was always my daughter’s absolute favorite part of the back to school season… selecting items that added her own personality and got her so excited and energized for the school year. I know times have certainly changed since Kennedy was in school, so I’ve added a few basics that I’m assuming are still on the school supplies list (paper, pens, pencils). I’m also including a few items that certainly weren’t a thing when Kennedy was in school. Back to school is an exciting time to start fresh and kick off the year.
With the end of summer and beginning of the school year, we maintained a few rules that made for an easier transition into the year:
1. School clothes were always laid out the evening before.
2. Homework was completed at the dining table after school.
3. Lunches were made and ready to go the evening before.
4. Backpack was entirely packed up in the evening.
These rules always helped our mornings run more smoothly, leaving out any last-minute packing up or forgetting of items. I hope my suggestions assist in having a fabulous kick-off to the new school year!