Tiffy’s Favorite Sunscreen And SPF Products

Are you wearing sunscreen? If the answer is no…shame on you!!! Sunscreen decreases your risk of skin cancers and skin precancers and helps prevent skin aging. This means we should be wearing it every day – not just on beach days! This can actually look like physical sunscreen as well such as a sun hat. Both physical and chemical forms of sun protection have been proven effective.
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. This tells you how long it would take the sun to burn your skin with the sunscreen applied as directed, compared to how long it would take to burn if you aren’t using any sunscreen. For instance, if you’re using a product with an SPF of 30, it will take the sun 30 times longer to burn you than if you had no product. You can read more about the benefits of sunscreen and best practices HERE.
I have tried SO MANY sunscreen products and a few of my favorites are liked below. I look first at ingredients, then product reviews, and ease of application. As part of my daily routine, I wear Amore Pacific Color Control with Colorscience Total Eye daily.