Things That I Wish I Had Learned Earlier
Yesterday, I officially entered my 60th year of life! In entering this new era of my life, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on life. 60 years has truly come and gone in what feels like the blink of an eye… when they say “life comes at you fast” they really mean it! Every single experience (both good and bad) has made me the person I am today, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have my fair share of lessons I’ve learned both the easy and the hard way. In honor of my 60th birthday, I thought I would share 6 lessons I’ve learned about life in the past 6 decades. I could keep going for hours, but these are a few that really stood out to me in this season of my life.
1. Life is too short to be anything other than yourself
This is a lesson I wish I would have learned much earlier in life, but I am so incredibly grateful to have learned this when I did. In my young adulthood I remember trying to fit in and possibly portray myself as someone I was not. My life changed for the better when I recognized the beauty in being 100% unapologetically yourself. Authenticity is one of my favorite qualities in others, which is why I strive to be the same thing every day of my life. Those who truly love and care for you will stick around regardless of your status, what you have, the little personality quirks you possess, and so on. Those who don’t stick around? Sometimes it’s okay to let them go.
2. You only get one body, take care of it!
I know I say this all the time on my podcast, so my apologies if I sound like a broken record! We are given one body to last us through our entire lifetime. We can take care of it, nurture it, and fuel it with meaningful things, or we can let it fall apart. A lesson I’ve learned recently more than ever that health is truly one of the most precious gifts we are given. Taking care of your body from the inside out is the way to do your part in prolonging your health. Stay active, eat healthy, remove toxins from your life, and listen to your body when it’s run-down, and advocate for yourself and your own healthcare. The older you get, the more you will appreciate your younger self for putting in the work to keep you healthier longer.
3. Embrace change!
When I say embrace change, I’m not talking as much about the day-to-day changes such as a new job or a new city. I’m talking about personal changes and growth. We have the ability and the opportunity to grow throughout the years in our values, our mindset, our beliefs, and the things that are important to us. I feel like so many people get stuck on one belief simply because that’s how “they’ve always seen it”, but when you feel yourself shifting… Lean in! It’s okay to not care as much about the things you used to value, it’s okay to accept (and even adopt) new political or societal beliefs. While leaving your comfort zone is scary, I think that staying stagnant is even more scary.
4. Pour into those who pour into you.
This kind of goes hand in hand with number 1, but it’s important enough to make note of again. As a people-pleaser, I spent a lot of my years working extremely hard to help and please those who would never give me even half of the same in return. During that time I was spread so thinly trying to please everyone, that I wasn’t able to give as much to those that really and truly matter… the people who pour into YOU! Reciprocated friendships and relationships are so incredibly special, and it’s important to give yourself the ability to pour into those that pour into and support you.
5. Give back.
Mohammed Ali once said that “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth”. Not only do we have the ability to give back to this world, our community, and those around us, but we have the responsibility to do so. I cannot express how fulfilling it is to find a cause (or many) that lights your soul on fire, and to pour into that cause with any currency you can. Whether it’s your time, your money, or your advocacy, it’s so rewarding to be just a small part of the change some of these philanthropies are making in the world. My advice to anyone would be to find a philanthropy that you’re passionate about, and help them change the world in any way you can.
6. Signs of aging are beautiful markers of your journey
This isn’t to say I won’t continue to take care of my skin to combat wrinkles and try to cover up those little gray hairs – it’s to say these aren’t things to be ashamed of. Rather than just viewing the wrinkles and gray hair as signs of aging, I’ve learned to see them as beautiful markers of a journey full of learning, loving, laughing, and evolving. Again, in full transparency I will continue to see the fabulous team at Fort Worth Plastics & MedSpa, I’m just learning to see the beauty in aging gracefully and not “hiding” your age from the world. Every smile line represents a fond memory, and every stress-induced gray hair represents a lesson I’ve learned, possibly the hard way. The decades have taught me that true strength comes from embracing vulnerability, and an understanding that every challenge is an opportunity for wisdom. I’ve discovered that relationships matter more than achievements, and kindness—to both myself and others—is the most profound currency of human experience. Life can be hard – it’s important to give ourselves the grace and kindness we give to others. After all… if you don’t believe in yourself, your abilities, and the beautiful things you can offer – then who else will?
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading along. I hope you gained at least one thing from this blog post! While the lessons this life has taught me are never-ending, I will leave you with one last note. As I look back on my life, I am filled with immense gratitude for those that have made my life what it is. I am blessed with a family that fills every single day with immeasurable joy, friends that both inspire me and challenge me when I need it, and a fur baby that has taught me unconditional love. I encourage you to identify those people in your life that make this life journey easier and more fulfilling – and hold on to those people. At the end of the day life is not about what we have, but about who we spend it with. Cheers to another year of love, laughter, and lessons!