The difference between a luxury handbag and its counterfeit can be very fine, yet significant. Distinguishing between the real and the fake is important for the value and the pleasure of owning an original. Here are five tips to help you identify genuine bags.
1. Craftsmanship
This is one aspect that is very evident to the discerning eye. The stitching on an authentic luxury bag is always perfect. It should be in even straight stitches and with no loose threads hanging. High-end designers always take pride in their work, and since the bags are handmade, there is no way the construction would have any imperfections. The other craftsmanship area you should look at is the material. An authentic bag often has high-quality material from the outer fabric to the inner lining. If the seams are uneven, the material is subpar, and the finishing appears sloppy, you are looking at a counterfeit.
2. Branding Details
This is another area that is often overly duplicated by counterfeit bag producers. However, counterfeiters can get it wrong. Always pay attention to the font, size, and logo placed on the bag. Most high-end designer brands have specific styles for every logo they provide. For instance, Longchamp bags have crisp, clean lettering and precise debossing on their famous leather products. Any dust, the wrong font size, or embossing would mean counterfeiting.
3. Hardware
An authentic bag’s hardware will always feel heavy, unlike the hollow, light, and flimsy feel that a fake would give. Ensure that zippers, locks, and buckles are smooth, and almost all bag hardware will have the brand’s name or logo. Counterfeit bags may not have hardware that looks the part to the ordinary eye. However, it will have telltale signs of poor manufacturing or branding errors upon closer search. Ensure you always compare the hardware with an authentic product directly from the brand’s store or website.
4. Check the Serial Number or Authentication Card
Serial numbers or authentication cards accompany numerous designer bags. These are designed to represent the handbag’s authenticity and designate its production. Every brand has its system of serial numbers. Be aware of authenticity if the number appears to be printed on cheap material or the authentication card looks unprofessionally made. It is also worth mentioning that fake objects may not have such cards at all, which also should be a concern.
5. Trust Your Senses
Ultimately, trust your touch, smell, and sound. Real bags often smell of leather or other high quality materials from which the object is created. It is not usually the case with fakes unless they are made of the highest possible quality. Specially developed synthetic materials often distort the leather smell, and counterfeit-made production facilities will not care about mimicking the smell of the real thing. Pay attention to touching the bag. Genuine leather feels soft, while faux leather feels like plastic material and too rigid.
So, in conclusion, telling a fake bag from an original one is a tricky business. However, the devil is in the details, as they say: Everything about the bags, from manufacturing to the hardware and the overall sensory experience, gives clues regarding their authenticity. Therefore, the aforementioned tips will help you buy a real luxury bag. The key to success is staying consistent in one’s attention to a brands’ unique characteristics and details.