Staying Fit Post-Back Injury

I have had a long history of spine issues. Cervical fusion, two level cervical disc replacement and recently, lumbar spondylosis…which lead to the Coflex implant between L4 and L5. Isn’t that fabulous??  Kidding, but I have chosen to handle back pain with a bit of humor. If you haven’t had back pain, you are blessed.  If you have, you get me.  It’s awful and truly life changing.  I have had many treatments, medications and of course, surgeries.  I manage back pain and healing with fitness, proper diet, sleep and body work.  I will dive deeper into each of these areas later but I contribute much of my recovery success to fitness.  I have ALWAYS worked out! Always! I danced as a child throughout post college.  When I began college and needed employment, I began teaching fitness classes and continued teaching until just a few years ago. I no longer teach but keep my certifications for personal training and indoor cycling.  I am a strong believer in strength training and flexibility with reformer Pilates.  It took me MANY years to find the perfect fit for my lifestyle and my injury-prone back.  It also takes educated trainers that understand the spine and it’s limitations.  I have found all of this!  I am an early bird, always have been, and I am assuming always will be.  I take reformer Pilates three days a week and strength training 3 days a week.  I throw cardio and meditation in when I can.


D Method

Pilaates Studio

Sam Watts; Strength Studio

  1. Kennedy says:

    So great, you are a workout BOSS!

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